Use fullscreen for proper UI!

attack buttons: A (P1) & L (P2)

hold attack button to charge your attack, release during BushiDo phase to attack. 

By attacking at the same time you can parry the enemy attack, parries can only be used twice.

each time the game enters bushiDo phase the damage multiplier gets increased.

parrying lowers the damage multiplier and hitting an attack resets it.

when hp reaches 0 the player loses.


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Very cool concept! I really liked the honour system with the damage multiplier. The second player didn't seem to work though, so I could only attack with player 1. I like the simplicity of the game, so I wouldn't recommend adding any extra actions. Maybe just focus on streamlining the process already there and adding some visual/audio queues. Very good job! :D

I find the concept quite interesting, though I wish it was explained more clearly. A single run-on sentence when you start the game isn't a very clear tutorial. Outside of that, I would suggest adding some brief warning or heads-up of when the state of the fight is going to change between Bushido and Bushidon't, since currently it is such an abrupt change than it is impossible to react fast enough to avoid losing honor if you are holding attack when it happens, and honor drains extremely fast (which makes attacking during Bushidon't to deal extra damage very unviable). The need for quick reaction and wagering risk-versus-reward from the sudden switches is an important part of the game, so it should still stay abrupt, but more indication to the player of when a switch happens would make the game much smoother to play (perhaps adding a sound effect when it happens).

It's a promising concept for a simple 1v1 game that could be pretty entertaining with a little more work, overall. (And I have to admit, the Bushidon't pun is pretty nice)

I don't have a numpad, maybe change the controls? :p